Oculus and Epic showcases potential of VR controllers with Bullet Train demo

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 September 2015

Back in June, Oculus debuted its new VR headset and controllers. Now they have teamed up with Epic to showcase the gaming potential of its VR controllers. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Roundup - The Here There Be Dragons Edition

By Ryan Noik 25 April 2014

In this week’s GNR: Dragon Age: Inquisition is dated, Batman: Arkham Origins gets freezing cold DLC and Project Cars details race into view. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - EUFA EURO 2012 edition

By Staff Writer 30 March 2012

In gaming this week: Euro 2012 will be coming to FIFA 12 via DLC, the FBI has its eyes set on games and new Forza Motorsport 4 DLC on the way. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up - The future of gaming edition

By Johan Keyter 11 March 2011

In this week's gaming news round-up we check out BF3 multiplayer features, get a Human Revolution release date and enjoy the beauty of Unreal Engine 3. FULL STORY >

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